Permanent Installations

Solutions For Permanent Environmental Monitoring Installations


The Ngara™ Real Time Sound Acquisition System is capable of storing high quality, high resolution audio waveform files that can be processed by the Firefly software package to extract a large range of customisable data.

The Ngara™ system can be coupled with a solar panel to allow for continuous remote logging (under most circumstances).

For permanent instalments or where access to the Ngara™ is difficult or dangerous the system can be set up with a modem to enable the system to connect wirelessly to the internet. This allows control from any location and remote download of recorded session data.

Find out more about the Ngara™ Here

Noise Cloud™

Ngara can work in conjunction with ARL’s new service Noise Cloud™ to allow for remote logging directly to a cloud-based server where data from multiple noise loggers can be stored, viewed and downloaded.

Find out more about Noise Cloud™ Here

Norsonic Nor1545

The Nor1545 noise monitoring terminal is a robust, efficient solution for your outdoor noise monitoring. Equipped with the state-of-the-art sound level meter Nor145 hosting latest generation communication technology, noise data can be reliably and securely transferred to your office.

The system can be a stand-alone noise monitoring terminal or managed and supervised by NorCloud.

With NorReview you may perform further in-depth analyses of your noise data combined with the Noise Compass and weather data.

Find out more about Nor1545 Noise Monitoring Terminal Here