Nor279 Impact Ball

Nor279 Impact ball

Nor279 Impact ball is a product developed for use as an impact source for measurements of impact sound insulation performance – for example of floors in collective housing.


  • Rubber raw material: Silicon rubber
  • Shape: Hollow sphere, diameter 178 ±1 mm, wall thickness 32 mm
  • Equivalent mass: 2.5 ±0.1 kg
  • Restitution coefficient: 0.8 ±0.1
  • Rubber hardness: 40º ±5º
  • Impact force characteristics: Impact force waveform (Example)


  • ISO 10140-3:2021
  • ISO 10140-5 Annex F:2021
  • ISO 16283-2:2020
  • JIS A 1418-2

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